Saturday, September 20, 2008

David Pluff -- No. 1 (a serial in memoriam)

David Leroy Pluff, Overton, Rusk County, Texas – No. 1

This is opening article, to be posted in
IMPORTANT: when replying, quote “David Pluff-1” in the subject line

It is about an American patriot and Viet Nam veteran, David Leroy Pluff from Overton, Rusk County, Texas, was born October 1, 1945 and died April 11, 2006. His 14.75 acre property is situated at 10680 64W State Highway in Turner Town, Overton, Rusk County, Texas. I cannot put picture into this blog but can send in email to those interested. David Pluff and Hongjiu Liao have become husband and wife on December 29, 2004 with the celebration taken place in the office in Nanning, Guangxi, China. He went back home to Texas to do business as usual and to finish his new home where he intended to bring his wife, his “China Doll” as he used to call her. In the mean time, he petitioned for his wife to bring her home to Texas, and, just in case, he made a Will in Mr. Patterson’s office, witnessed by Mr. Patterson, a lawyer and Mrs. Patterson, a law-service person herself, in which he made a clear point of disinheriting all of his children and made his wife inheriting every bit of his property, just in case … knowing that undercurrent of immense love towards Chinese nationals. I can understand, because in Australia is very much the same, but his wife certainly cannot; because he did not want to disappoint her, and she is not able to read let alone to read between the lines. The Will is registered in the office of District Court at Law, Rusk County, Texas and the case number is: 06-065P

The Will itself is a wetness of a life within the body of a majority of contemporary Americans and soberness is its very strength from which emerges the courage of the brave that sheltered a cowardice for too long; David did say his piece between the lines to all those that can hear and show to those that can see and one week later he was found dead: heart attack, says the certificate … however, his sister Lou said in her faxed memo to David’s wife, that he had a fall. Roughly four weeks prior David’s departure to China, he was brought to Henderson Memorial Hospital in near-dead condition caused by extreme suffocation, the happening of which is the record in his email to his wife; a shocking account, extremely disturbing too, that I have presented the both lawyers with and both had replied that David daughter, Laura Hood a.k.a. Laura Pluff has different explanation for the fire. The facts are: a) that the fire was never investigated by the police and b) that Laura set the house on fire while her father, David was fast asleep, which was the main reason for the creation of the Will, in which she is to be disinherited most prominently.

Now we have a situation where both lawyers know about the fire “from the horse’s mouth”, that is, they have received David’s email to his soon-to-become wife, because I have sent it to both of them; there I hinted to the possibility of aiding and abetting in a possible crime investigating situation thus perverting the cause of justice: police cannot investigate something that is hidden, because deemed as a natural happening by people who not only have no training and capacity to classify the crime as it is happening but only to protect the criminals to get punished or overly punished. It could have been an accidental death, which I am inclined to believe is the case, but also a manslaughter too; but, reading all David’s emails to his wife, and listening to her what she has to say about the whole thing that David told her (the two talked every day twice via Internet and she knows a lot), and taking in account the Laura’s hatred toward her father’s wife; and in view that he made a Will a week earlier to disinheriting her … well, it makes me think that the whole thing might be warranting a thorough investigation. But the lawyers don’t. Nobody asked Mrs. Pluff to come there and say her piece.

She must get there in order to apply for widow’s pension and veteran widow allowance anyway; thus government is actively helping the poor situation she is in by refusing to issue with a visa. And this is not all: there are three properties rented out, collecting $1,275.00 monthly, which are collected by someone there but not by its rightful and legal owner. She is the legal owner of all property, despite the Will being contested: the act of contention does not suspend her right as an owner while deliberating. The court may deliberate as long as they have to, and until the court reaches its verdict, everything stays in place and runs as usual. But, by preventing her, as the rightful owner, to run her legal affairs, they are forcing her into accepting a bankruptcy as the only legal way out; which is illegal and punishable by every law in the world that I am aware of. But later about that will be mentioned to the Texas Lawyers’ Creed too, asking them their opinion on that matter.

Later more about this publicly when the court case is over; I intend to write a book about that story, because is both fascinating and incredible. Until then you can write and get the story privately and insert “David Pluff” in subject line. Needless to say that we will have to spend a lot of money, apart from the $6,000.00 paid to a lawyer I hired in Henderson, Texas on behalf of Mrs. Hongjiu Liao-Pluff; so, every donation will be received with deep gratitude and appreciation. Add to it the uncertainty about that lawyer, because we cannot be sure about his wellbeing; he did not write to us, neither to Mrs. Pluff nor to me, for months, after so many emails begging him to say something. Before, when a court was due, a lady-lawyer suddenly got pregnant and had to have maternity leave and that has stalled the case; I and Mrs. Pluff did extend our good wishes and hopes that the baby is healthy etc. It’s a boy, sort of, without being too chauvinistic. Better not here too much; e-mail me instead. Documentation is meant to be presented in the book, when ready, or in private emails.

If there is somebody or a company that would be willing to lend us a bigger amount of money, big enough that would see us through all this business without much hassle, I could arrange the transaction to be made via my son’s company account; your company gives to my son’s company and later, when we sail in calm waters your company gets the money back with interest. However, we are not beggars and intend to return with our blessing every donation, big or small, after accomplishment of the intended business in the USA. Thus, what we call donation is actually the money that you lend to us with no specific terms; of course, if you still nurture a hope that the honesty and human dignity is still alive and kicking. I do not want to sound like a beggar but am just nudging you: try, try with a small dose and see how it goes.

Did I forget to mention anything? If I did not mention now, there is still time to tell the rest of the story to all the folks that are interested in and would like to know it badly. The worst can happen to someone is that he is simply forgotten. Note: I did not use term they or he/she, but just he. And he knows why that is so: he forgot me here and now and I shall forget him there and then, in my Kingdom forever. Worst could happen to a man if he loses the purpose of life, because the purpose for life comes in question.

In conclusion of this and every section of this series I appeal to every reader for help with:
a) Material information about David Pluff
b) financial help that a reader can afford
c) assistance on US soil, mainly in Tyler or Henderson area
d) organizing the business, computer and Internet expert needed

Points A and B: Materials, as well as cheques and/or money orders, can be sent to address: URBI ET ORBI, PO Box 5014, Midland WA 6056, Australia and all electronically transmittable can be emailed to: and point C means to help me or me and Mrs. Pluff when there in the area in finding accommodation, addresses, telephone numbers and/or email addresses of the required offices and other places, as well as in finding some sort of transport: hiring or buying a cheap vehicle, or maybe borrowing one. And D applies to some good person in Australia or abroad, a person that is a real expert in computers and is willing to help me with a peace of an expert advice when I need it.

What follows is a short email to a person that I try to explain things over and over having developed a feeling that the walls would understand easier and probably do if they can hear; so, sometimes I get pissed off. So, forgive me folks if you feel that I turned into Shiva.

21 September, 2008

==== extracts from an e-mail that touches the subje3ct above ====

Knowing your way of reckoning, I am not at ease while writing this note to you; but I must remind you that, even though love is omni-present and ever-present and even though every person needs it and desire it, it is not applicable to every person. Even if a person deserves to be loved it does not automatically mean that the rewards are waiting already; they may be coming very slowly, or stuck somewhere on the way to their destination, stuck forever.

This memo regards your property in Texas; the whole business of contesting your late husband’s Will has turned into a comedy at your expense, of course. That is why Mr. Patterson assured you that the property is under the protection of the court and has an administrator appointed by the court that looks after it … and you need not to come there. At the same time the US consulate in Guangzhou has refused to issue you with a visa, fearing that you may extend your stay in USA, knowing that you have your legal rights for widow’s pension, which you can apply only on the US soil, not from China.

The only way to get it is not to relay on their justice, but to go there and get it; of course, if you have no other means to get there and take it, then you have no choice but relay on their justice, which means, relay forever. Their justice or their love, or whatever is there is not yours. Like love that is not necessarily based on passion or/and sacrifice, their justice may have nothing to do with their, or anyone else’s law, and still be operational in domains far away from your understanding. There are many legal ways to get there and do your business legally. Of course, that requires money that you have not; they are aware of it and therefore, reckon with the case to be long and expensive: they are not worried because only the rent of three rented properties brings in $1,275.00 per month.

By now it is clear that you cannot get there without being detected, because you are now on record at their embassy in Beijing and the consulate in Guangzhou; so, even if you could gather money for travel, they are not likely to issue you with a visa … and if you try at some other consulate, you must declare that you have made an application in the past and was declined.

Now we will wait for reply from Beijing – and wait and wait, endlessly wait. And we have no time, we have no money either, because of waiting endlessly for something to happen that we have not put in motion yet; what the others will ever do for you (or us) is very limited in nature and fits only into your brain but not into reality.

I have a definite plan of action, which, sadly enough, I am not able to disclose to you. If I would, it would become our plan and thus doomed to failure; simply because you do not understand western way of thinking – and will never understand due to your resistance to learning: as one would say, to old for new tricks.


Thank you for your time; I sincerely hope that you enjoyed and do feel rewarded.
I would appreciate if you recommend me to your friends and tell them to visit:

21 September, 2008 01:07

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